Cyber Insurance for Gaming: Safeguarding Data and Revenue

Cyber Insurance for Gaming: Safeguarding Data and Revenue

The gaming industry has seen rapid growth over the past decade, becoming one of the most dynamic and lucrative sectors of the global digital economy. In India, the gaming market has experienced exponential expansion, driven by a surge in smartphone usage, affordable data plans, and a young, tech-savvy population. As of 2024, the Indian gaming industry is valued at over $3.9 billion, with projections indicating continued robust growth. However, with this growth comes a significant increase in cyber threats that can compromise data, disrupt operations, and erode player trust. Cyber insurance for business has emerged as a crucial tool for gaming companies, providing essential protection against these risks. 

For more information on how cyber insurance can safeguard your business and industry-specific solutions, visit our Cyber Insurance industry pages.


Growth of the Gaming Industry and Its Digital Nature

India’s gaming market cyber threats- KPMG report

The gaming industry in India is thriving, propelled by the rise of mobile gaming, online multiplayer platforms, and cloud gaming services. According to a KPMG report, India’s gaming market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22%, making it one of the fastest-growing gaming markets globally. This rapid expansion is largely due to:

  1. Mobile Gaming Boom: Mobile gaming accounts for the majority of gaming revenue in India. The affordability and accessibility of smartphones have made gaming more inclusive, with popular titles like PUBG Mobile and Free Fire amassing millions of users.
  2. Online Multiplayer and Esports: The popularity of online multiplayer games and esports has skyrocketed, with millions of players engaging in real-time competitions. This segment has also seen substantial investment from both domestic and international players.
  3. Cloud Gaming: The advent of cloud gaming has revolutionized the industry by allowing gamers to access high-quality games without the need for expensive hardware. This has further broadened the gaming audience, making it accessible to those with limited resources.
  4. In-Game Purchases and Microtransactions: The gaming industry’s revenue model has evolved, with in-game purchases and microtransactions becoming significant revenue streams. This has made gaming companies more dependent on the security of digital transactions.

However, the digital nature of the gaming industry also makes it a prime target for cybercriminals. The increasing volume of personal data, financial transactions, and digital assets handled by gaming companies has attracted a wide range of cyber threats.


Importance of Cyber Insurance in Protecting Gaming Companies

As the gaming industry becomes more digitized, the potential for cyber incidents increases. Cyber insurance is essential for gaming companies as it provides a financial safety net and resources for managing the aftermath of a cyberattack. The key benefits of cyber insurance for gaming companies include:

  • Financial Protection: Cyber incidents can result in significant financial losses. Cyber insurance covers these losses, including the cost of business interruption, data recovery, and legal fees.
  • Risk Management: Many cyber insurance policies come with risk management services that help gaming companies identify and mitigate potential threats before they become incidents.
  • Compliance Support: Cyber insurance can aid gaming companies in meeting regulatory requirements, especially in handling personal data. This includes covering the costs of regulatory fines and legal defense in the event of a data breach.
  • Reputation Management: A cyberattack can severely damage a gaming company’s reputation, leading to a loss of player trust. Cyber insurance often includes coverage for public relations efforts to manage and restore the company’s reputation.


Gaming Industry-Specific Cyber Threats

The gaming industry faces a unique set of cyber threats that require specialized mitigation strategies. Some of the most significant threats include:

1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

DDoS attacks are among the most common cyber threats faced by gaming companies. These attacks involve overwhelming a gaming server with excessive traffic, causing it to crash and rendering the game unplayable. DDoS attacks can be particularly damaging during major gaming events or tournaments, leading to significant revenue loss and reputational damage. The gaming industry has seen an increase in the frequency and sophistication of DDoS attacks, often amplified by botnets.

Example: In 2020, Epic Games experienced a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that disrupted services for their popular game Fortnite. The attack led to service outages and affected millions of players, causing a temporary loss of revenue and player dissatisfaction.

Data Point: The A10 Networks 2021 DDoS Threat Report noted a 50% increase in DDoS attacks targeting gaming companies during the pandemic, highlighting the vulnerability of online gaming platforms.

2. Data Breaches

Data breaches pose a serious threat to gaming companies, which store vast amounts of personal information, including player details, payment information, and gameplay data. Cybercriminals often target this data for financial gain, leading to identity theft, fraud, and loss of player trust. A data breach can also result in significant regulatory penalties, particularly if the company fails to comply with data protection laws such as India’s Information Technology Act, 2000, and the upcoming Data Protection Bill.

Data breaches in Gaming Industry

Example: In 2021, the video game company CD Projekt Red suffered a significant data breach when attackers stole internal data, including source code for several games and personal information of employees. The breach resulted in a ransomware attack, which led to substantial financial losses and reputational damage.

Data Point: According to a report by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the number of data breaches in the gaming industry increased by 30% from 2020 to 2022.

3. Cheating Software and Hacks

The proliferation of cheating software and hacks in online games undermines the integrity of the gaming experience. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in the game’s code to gain unfair advantages, such as aimbots and wallhacks, leading to an uneven playing field and dissatisfaction among legitimate players. These cheats can also result in financial losses for gaming companies, especially when in-game items or currency are stolen and sold on secondary markets.

Valorant Cheat Detection (2021): In 2021, Riot Games, the developer behind Valorant, reported a significant uptick in the use of cheating software. Their anti-cheat system, Vanguard, was able to detect and block over 500,000 cheating accounts within the first few months of its launch. This highlights the scale of the problem and the constant battle between developers and cheaters.

4. Emerging Risks

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, new cyber threats are emerging. The integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in gaming introduces new attack vectors, as these platforms collect sensitive data, including biometric information. Additionally, the increasing use of blockchain technology in gaming, particularly for in-game assets and cryptocurrencies, presents new risks related to digital wallet security and smart contract vulnerabilities.


Impact on Operations: Revenue Loss and Player Trust

The consequences of cyberattacks on gaming companies extend beyond immediate financial losses. A successful cyberattack can disrupt operations, leading to downtime and lost revenue. For example, a DDoS attack that takes a gaming platform offline during a major event can result in millions of dollars in lost revenue, not to mention the potential loss of sponsorships and partnerships.

Moreover, cyberattacks can severely damage player trust. Players invest significant time and money into their gaming experiences, and a breach of their personal information or in-game assets can lead to a loss of loyalty. In the highly competitive gaming industry, where player retention is key to success, rebuilding trust after a cyber incident can be a long and costly process.


Key Cyber Insurance Coverages

Given the unique risks faced by gaming companies, it is crucial to have a cyber insurance policy tailored to address these specific threats. Key coverages include:

  1. Business Interruption

This coverage compensates for lost revenue and additional expenses incurred due to a cyber incident that disrupts operations. For gaming companies, this is particularly important as downtime can result in significant financial losses, especially during peak periods or major events.

  1. Data Breach Response

In the event of a data breach, this coverage helps cover the costs of responding to the incident, including legal fees, notification expenses, credit monitoring for affected players, and public relations efforts to manage the company’s reputation.

  1. Cyber Extortion

Cyber extortion coverage protects gaming companies from ransomware attacks and other forms of cyber extortion. This includes the costs associated with negotiating with attackers, recovering encrypted data, and preventing the release of stolen information.

  1. Customization for Gaming

Gaming companies may require customized cyber insurance policies that cover specific aspects of their operations, such as platform security, player data protection, and in-game fraud. For instance, a policy might include coverage for losses related to cheating software or the theft of virtual assets, which are unique risks in the gaming industry.


Regulatory and Compliance Considerations

Gaming companies operate in a complex regulatory environment, with stringent data protection laws and age-related content regulations that vary by region. In India, the Information Technology Act, 2000, along with the Personal Data Protection Bill, imposes strict requirements on the collection, storage, and processing of personal data. 

Regulatory and Compliance Requirement for Gaming Industry

For gaming companies that operate globally, additional compliance challenges arise from regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Cyber insurance can play a crucial role in helping gaming companies achieve compliance with these regulations. In the event of a data breach, cyber insurance can cover costs like regulatory fines and breach notifications, which are often legally required. Insurance providers may also offer risk management services to help gaming companies adopt best practices for data protection and ensure legal compliance.


What is Happening? 

The gaming industry has increasingly become a prime target for cyberattacks, with a notable surge in attacks over the past few years, particularly in 2024. Several factors contribute to this trend, including the massive growth in online gaming and the lucrative nature of in-game transactions.

One of the most common types of attacks involves phishing and social engineering, where attackers trick users into giving up their login credentials or install malware. 

 Cyber attack on gaming Industry- significant incident in 2024

In early 2024, a prominent Indian game developer faced a major crisis when several of their bank accounts were frozen. This action was taken by financial institutions after investigations revealed that the accounts were used to facilitate money laundering activities connected to cheating software. The cheating software allowed players to exploit in-game economies, generating substantial illicit revenue.

The frozen accounts resulted in an overall business shutdown for several weeks. During this period, the company could not process payments or access funds, leading to halted operations and substantial financial losses. The situation underscored the severe impact that cybercrime and financial misconduct can have on the gaming industry, particularly when tied to cheating and fraudulent activities.

The attack surface has grown with the rise of cloud-based gaming, allowing players to access games from any device. This increases potential entry points for cybercriminals. Akamai’s report noted a sharp rise in web application attacks, especially targeting mobile games, where vulnerabilities are being exploited.

Moreover, social engineering attacks continue to plague the industry. 

breach of Rockstar Games

The gaming industry’s reliance on online transactions and extensive user data makes it a prime target for cybercriminals. To safeguard assets and players, companies need to invest in strong cybersecurity, including regular vulnerability assessments and improved user authentication.


Choosing the Right Cyber Insurance

Selecting the right cyber insurance policy for a gaming company involves several key considerations:

  1. Player Base Size

The size of the player base can impact the level of coverage needed. A larger player base may require more extensive coverage to protect against the higher risks associated with managing large amounts of data.

  1. Platform Security

The security measures in place on the gaming platform can influence the type of coverage required. Companies with advanced security protocols may qualify for lower premiums, while those with fewer protections may need more comprehensive coverage.

  1. In-Game Transactions

The frequency and volume of in-game transactions also play a role in determining the appropriate coverage. Companies with high transaction volumes should ensure their policy covers potential fraud and transaction-related cyber incidents.

  1. Tailored Policies

Gaming companies face unique risks, making it crucial to have a policy tailored to the industry. This should cover emerging threats related to VR/AR gaming and blockchain integration in gaming platforms.


Other Liability Risks

In addition to cyber risks, gaming companies must also consider other liability risks, such as:

  • Product Liability: This covers claims arising from defects in the game or platform that cause harm to players. For example, if a software bug causes a player to lose in-game assets, the company could face legal action.
  • Legal Risk: Gaming companies may also face legal risks related to intellectual property rights, copyright infringement, and data privacy violations. Cyber insurance can provide coverage for legal defense costs and settlements in such cases.
  • Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance: This coverage protects the company’s executives from personal liability in the event of lawsuits related to their decisions and actions. D&O insurance is particularly important for gaming companies facing regulatory scrutiny or shareholder actions.


Mitigata’s Expertise

Mitigata’s Expertise

Mitigata has extensive experience working with gaming companies to manage and mitigate cyber risks. Our experts understand the gaming industry’s challenges and provide tailored solutions to protect against cyber threats. Our services include comprehensive risk assessments, customized insurance policies, and ongoing support to ensure gaming companies remain secure and compliant.

Mitigata’s approach combines advanced technology with industry expertise to help gaming companies safeguard their data and revenue. From securing player data to managing regulatory compliance, Mitigata is committed to helping gaming companies navigate the complex cyber risk landscape.

Conclusion and Next Steps

The gaming industry’s rapid growth in India and its digital nature make it a prime target for cyberattacks. Cyber insurance is crucial for gaming companies, safeguarding against financial losses, maintaining player trust, and ensuring business continuity, allowing them to focus on creating immersive experiences.

Schedule a consultation with Mitigata today to secure the right cyber insurance for your gaming company.



1.What is cyber insurance, and why is it important for gaming companies?

Cyber insurance protects gaming companies from financial losses associated with cyber incidents like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and business interruptions. Given the digital nature of the gaming industry, such insurance is crucial for maintaining operations and player trust.

2. What types of cyber threats are most common in the gaming industry?

The gaming industry faces threats like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, data breaches, phishing attacks, and account takeovers. Emerging risks also include targeted attacks on gaming platforms and the exploitation of vulnerabilities in virtual and augmented reality environments.

3. How does cyber insurance help in complying with data protection regulations?

Cyber insurance can cover the costs of regulatory fines, breach notifications, and legal defense in the event of a data breach. Additionally, insurance providers often offer risk management services to help gaming companies implement best practices for data protection and compliance.

4. What factors should gaming companies consider when choosing a cyber insurance policy?

Gaming companies should consider factors like the size of their player base, the security measures in place on their platform, and the volume of in-game transactions. Tailored policies that address the specific risks faced by gaming companies are essential.

5. What other types of insurance should gaming companies consider?

Gaming companies should also consider product liability, legal risk, and Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance to protect against risks like product defects, intellectual property issues, and data privacy challenges.

6. How does Mitigata support gaming companies in managing cyber risks?

Mitigata provides comprehensive services, including risk assessments, customized insurance policies, and ongoing support. Their expertise in the gaming industry allows them to offer tailored solutions that address the unique challenges gaming companies face in today’s digital environment.

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