Digital Personal Data Protection Act’23: Mitigata’s All-in-one Plan

Stay ahead of regulatory changes with Mitigata's all-in-one plan tailored to comply with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act'23. Our comprehensive solution ensures your organisation's digital assets are protected and compliant, giving you peace of mind in an evolving regulatory landscape.

DPDP’23 comes with even more Financial & Reputation Risk

Upto 250 Cr

Fine bracket for any breach of personal data.

Upto 250 Cr

Fine for delay in reporting a data breach to the Data Protection Board.

Upto 250 Cr

Fine bracket for non-compliance with rules related to children's data.


Of data leak (via attack, sale or error)

Type of Data

Identity, health, payment, child data.


Safety & mitigation efforts taken pre and post breach.


Of data breach and leak.

Business Interruption

Loss due to blocking of services.

Reputation Damage

Loss of business due to reputational damage.

Litigation Costs

High legal costs for litigation and arbitration for any data dispute.

Easy Steps to Follow.

Important Information Guide for DPDP’23

Threat Detection
Set up systems for real-time alerts on potential threats.
Implement intrusion detection systems on critical servers.
Data Protection
Ensure data is encrypted both when stored and during transmission.
Utilize end-to-end encryption tools for all data transmissions.
Data Safety
Regularly back up data and establish recovery protocols.
Schedule weekly automated backups to a secure cloud storage.
Cyber Risk Assessment
Periodically scan and identify system vulnerabilities.
Perform quarterly vulnerability assessments on your infrastructure.
Risk Monitoring
Keep a close watch with round-the-clock threat monitoring.
Deploy log monitoring tools to analyze any suspicious activity.
Cyber Asset Management
Maintain an updated list and monitor all digital assets.
Catalog and update a list of all software, domains, and key systems monthly.
Parental Consent:
Ensure mechanisms to obtain verifiable Parental or Guardian consent.
Two-step consent verification process
Age Verification:
Implement strict measures to ascertain the age of users.
Incorporate age gate at registration with additional verification for borderline age.
Data Minimisation
Limit the collection of child data only to necessary information.
Restrict registration fields for underage users to essential details only.
Child-Friendly Policies
Create clear, understandable privacy policies for younger audiences.
Child-friendly version of the privacy policy using simple language & graphics
Child Data Monitoring:
Regularly review and assess child data storage and usage.
Monthly audits specifically for accounts identified as minors to ensure compliance.
Right to Erasure:
Ensure children and their guardians can easily request data removal.
Offer a straightforward 'Delete My Data' request form within child user profiles
Consent Collection:
Establish clear mechanisms to obtain explicit user consent.
Integrate a clear opt-in checkbox for data collection on user sign-up forms.
Consent Storage:
Store user consent records securely and accessibly.
Implement a secure database with timestamped consent logs for each user.
Consent Withdrawal
Allow users an easy mechanism to withdraw their consent.
Offer a 'Revoke Consent' button in user account settings.
Consent Review
Periodically review and refresh user consents, especially for critical data.
Set a 12-month expiry on sensitive data consents, prompting users for renewal.
Consent Communication:
Keep users informed about how their data will be used.
Send out a biannual email detailing data usage policies and user rights.
Consent Audits
Periodically audit consent records to ensure compliance
Conduct semi-annual internal audits to review and verify active user consents.
Fines Awareness:
Stay updated with all potential financial penalties for non-compliance.
Mitigata provides you Real time Awareness on all compliances,minimising risk of penalties
Provisioned Budget:
Set aside funds to cover unexpected data breach fines.
Buy Mitigata Cyber Insurance to cover all your Penalties
Breach Reporting:
Ensure reporting of breaches (under 6 hrs) to avoid additional fines.
Quarterly audits to scrutinise all data handling and storage procedures.
Continuous Audit:
Regularly assess data practices to pre-empt potential fines.
Set a 12-month expiry on sensitive data consents, prompting users for renewal.
Maintain meticulous records of all data processes as proof of compliance.
Develop a centralised digital documentation system,
Legal Consultation:
Engage with legal experts specialized in data protection fines.
Retain an in-house or on-call legal expert to assess potential financial liabilities.
Right to Access:
Ensure customers can easily view the data you store about them.
Implement a self-service portal for customers to view and download their stored data.
Right to Rectification:
Allow customers to correct inaccurate or incomplete data.
User-friendly interface for customers to submit data correction requests.
Right to Erasure:
Enable customers to request the deletion of their personal data.
Clear workflow to handle, process 'Right to Erasure' requests within a set timeframe.
Right to Restriction:
Let customers limit how their data is used.
Build preference settings where users can opt-out of Data Processing
Data Portability:
Guarantee customers can obtain and reuse their personal data across different services.
Offer a standardized, machine-readable data export feature.
Legal Consultation:
Allow customers to object to data processing under certain conditions.
Develop an automated system for customers to register objections.
System Health Checks:
Schedule automated system health evaluations.
Implement real-time dashboards to visualize system health.
Traffic Analysis:
Monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic for unusual patterns.
Utilize AI-powered tools for advanced traffic anomaly detection.
Access Logs Review:
Regularly audit who accesses which parts of the system.
Set up alerts for unauthorized or suspicious access attempts.
Data Breach Detection:
Implement tools to identify data leaks or breaches promptly.
Maintain a clear protocol for actions to take upon breach detection.
Patch Management:
Ensure software, especially security software, is regularly updated.
Automate the patch management process to avoid human errors.
User Activity Monitoring:
Track and review user actions within the system.
Implement anomaly detection to flag unusual user behaviors.
Incident Identification:
Detect and categorize data-related incidents quickly.
Use advanced analytical tools to assist in incident spotting.
Stakeholder Notification:
Notify relevant stakeholders of any data breaches within a stipulated timeframe.
Design automated notification systems to expedite the process.
Regulatory Reporting:
Ensure timely reporting to regulatory bodies as per legal requirements.
Maintain templates and checklists for standard reporting procedures.
Incident Analysis:
Post-incident, analyze causes and effects of the breach.
Utilize specialized software to break down incident metrics.
Documentation & Record-Keeping:
Maintain thorough documentation of every reported incident.
Implement a secure digital system for long-term record storage.
Continuous Improvement:
Use reporting data to improve security measures.
Regularly review and update the reporting protocol based on lessons learned.
Optimized Coverage Assessment:
Mitigata evaluates your business for the best cyber insurance coverage.
We use our risk assessments to provide you the most suitable policy.
Tailored Policy Comparisons:
Mitigata provides a comprehensive comparison of best-fit insurance policies.
Our specialists break down policy nuances ensuring you get the best deal.
Streamlined Claims Management:
With Mitigata, understand the swift claims process for potential cyber incidents.
We guide you on maintaining the necessary documentation for easy claim processing.
Premium Cost-Effective Solutions:
Mitigata's cybersecurity best practices aim to potentially reduce your premium costs.
We negotiate terms based on your specific cybersecurity posture.
Regular Policy Review with Experts:
Mitigata offers periodic policy reviews, adjusting as your business evolves.
Benefit from our annual policy audits and stay up-to-date.
Prompt Incident Reporting Assistance:
Report cyber incidents with ease as Mitigata all hassles for claims
Count on us for steadfast support during any cyber incidents.
All-Inclusive Cyber Protection:
Mitigata covers all your cyber protection needs, from risk assessment to insurance.
Trust in our comprehensive solutions, including all the 7 items mentioned above.
Take DPDP assessment

Things You

Probably Wonder

The Digital Personal Data Protection Act'23 (DPDP'23) is a regulatory framework designed to safeguard personal data in the digital age. It outlines guidelines and requirements for organisations to ensure the protection and privacy of individuals' personal data.

Compliance with DPDP'23 is crucial for organisations to avoid hefty fines and penalties associated with data breaches and non-compliance. It also helps build trust with customers and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to protecting their personal information.

The potential fines for non-compliance with DPDP'23 can be substantial, ranging up to 250 crore for any breach of personal data. Additionally, delays in reporting data breaches or non-compliance with rules related to children's data can result in fines of up to 200 crore.

The fine imposed under DPDP'23 is determined based on various factors, including the nature of the data leak (via attack, sale, or error), the type of data involved (identity, health, payment, child data), the vigilance and mitigation efforts taken by the organisation, and the repetitiveness of data breaches and leaks.

Mitigata's all-in-one plan is specifically tailored to help organisations comply with DPDP 23 by providing comprehensive cyber protection mechanisms, threat detection, data safety measures, risk monitoring tools, data protection protocols, cyber risk assessments, and cyber asset management solutions. These proactive measures can help organisations mitigate risks, protect personal data, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Prepare. Mitigate.Insure.