Explore Mitigata’s Comprehensive Insurance Solutions

Safeguard your business operations, personal life, and executive responsibilities with our full range of insurance offerings. From Cyber Insurance to General Corporate Coverage, we provide end-to-end solutions to manage and mitigate risks across all facets of your digital and corporate landscape.

About Mitigata

Mitigata is redefining cyber insurance. With a blend of financial protection and proactive cybersecurity measures, our innovative solutions are tailored to shield your digital world from ever-evolving threats.

This image depicts a person in a green shirt seated at a workstation with multiple monitors, analysing a pie chart.

Explore Mitigata: Tailored Cyber Insurance Solutions for Everyone

Mitigata: Smart Cyber Insurance for Businesses

Modern threats require modern defences. Mitigata for Businesses combines comprehensive coverage with actionable intelligence, keeping your operations safe and sound.

Mitigata: Smart Cyber Insurance for Individuals

Safeguard what matters most with Mitigata’s personalised cyber insurance plans. From identity theft to cyberbullying, we protect your and your family’s online peace of mind.

Mitigata: Smart Cyber Insurance for Executives

Secure your leaders with coverage crafted for decision-makers. Our executive plans offer the pinnacle of protection in the digital age, defending against targeted cyber threats.

Other Corporate Insurances

D&O Liability

Shield your decision-makers with our D&O Liability Insurance, protecting the personal assets and peace of mind of those at the helm from unforeseen claims.

Protect Executives
General Liability

Safeguard your business operations against a spectrum of liabilities with comprehensive coverage that spans from on-site accidents to product-related claims.

Secure Your Operations
Employee Benefits

Enhance your team's morale and productivity with a robust Employee Benefits Insurance that covers health, life, and beyond, signalling your investment in their well-being.

Improve Team Benefits
Professional Indemnity

Secure your professional reputation with our Professional Indemnity Insurance, offering a safety net against the financial fallout of claims of negligence or malpractice.

Secure Your Reputation
Crime Insurance

Provides crucial protection for your business against financial losses from criminal activities such as theft, fraud, and forgery, essential for a robust risk management strategy.

Prevent Business Crime
Group Health Insurance

Offers comprehensive health benefits including dental, vision, and mental health services, enhancing employee satisfaction and attracting top talent.

Explore Group Health
Fire & Burglary Insurance

Secures your business assets and premises against losses due to fire, theft, and vandalism, allowing you to focus on business growth.

Fire & Theft
Marine Insurance

Protects your cargo against risks like damage, theft, and loss during transit, ensuring the smooth operation of your supply chain.

Protect Cargo
Professional Indemnity for Doctors

Shields medical practitioners from financial liabilities due to claims of negligence or errors, allowing them to focus on patient care.

Protect Your Practice
Engineering Insurance

Covers risks associated with engineering projects and equipment, from construction sites to industrial facilities, ensuring project continuity and security.

Cover Engineers

Reasons Why Mitigata

Is A Better Choice

Mitigata Header Logo
Minimum Policy Price Guarantee
Rapid Incident Response
Insurance Within 2 Weeks
Mitigata Security Console
Discount Cyber Product & Services
Seamless Claim Process

Things You

Probably Wonder

Cyber insurance from Mitigata is designed to provide financial protection against a variety of cyber threats including data breaches, cyber-attacks, and online fraud. Our coverage extends to incident response, legal fees, notification costs, and more, ensuring your business can recover quickly from a cyber incident.

Mitigata has a dedicated incident response team available 24/7. Once an incident is reported, our team acts swiftly to assess the situation, contain the threat, and initiate recovery procedures, minimising the impact on your business operations.

Absolutely. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customizable cyber insurance solutions. You can choose from a range of coverage options to fit the specific risks and needs of your business.

Filing a claim with Mitigata is streamlined for ease and efficiency. Simply contact us through our secure online platform or hotline as soon as an incident occurs, and our claims specialists will guide you through the process step by step.

Yes, Mitigata provides cyber insurance solutions for individuals, families, and executives, in addition to businesses. Our individual plans cover identity theft, cyberbullying, and personal cyber threats, while our executive plans are tailored to protect against targeted digital risks faced by corporate leaders.

Prepare. Mitigate.Insure.