Top 5 Emerging Cyber Threats and the Insurance Solutions You Need in 2024

Top 5 Emerging Cyber Threats and the Insurance Solutions You Need in 2024

“In 2024, we are witnessing cyber threats evolving faster than our defenses can adapt.” This statement from a recent report by CERT-In, India’s nodal agency for responding to cybersecurity incidents, captures the urgency of the situation. The rise in global cyber incidents, especially in India, highlights the need for businesses and individuals to stay ahead of threats and secure strong insurance solutions to mitigate impacts.


1. Ransomware 3.0: The Evolution of Extortion

Ransomware has been a significant threat for years, but 2024 marks the era of what experts are calling “Ransomware 3.0.” This new wave of ransomware is more aggressive, targeting not just data encryption but also exfiltration, and threatening to release sensitive information if the ransom is not paid. According to a report by IBM, India saw a 37% increase in ransomware attacks in the first half of 2024, with the average ransom demand rising by 200%.

Ransomware 3.0: The Evolution of Extortion

One of the most notable incidents involved a prominent Indian e-commerce platform, which was hit by a double extortion attack in March 2024. The attackers encrypted critical business data and exfiltrated sensitive customer information, demanding a multi-million-dollar ransom. Despite deploying advanced cybersecurity measures, the company struggled to contain the breach, eventually paying the ransom to prevent further damage to its reputation.

Insurance Solution: Cyber Extortion Coverage

Given the rise of such sophisticated ransomware attacks, cyber insurance has adapted to include specific coverage for cyber extortion. This coverage typically includes costs associated with negotiating the ransom, paying it if necessary, and mitigating the fallout from any data leaks. In addition, many policies now offer support for crisis management and public relations efforts to help companies navigate the reputational damage that often accompanies such attacks.


2. Deepfake Scams: The New Face of Fraud

Deepfakes have transitioned from a novelty to a genuine threat in the cyber landscape. In 2024, India has seen a sharp increase in fraud cases involving deepfake technology, where cybercriminals create convincing audio or video of key executives to authorize fraudulent transactions. These scams have become so sophisticated that even seasoned professionals have fallen victim, leading to significant financial losses.

In 2024, a significant deepfake scam occurred involving a multinational company based in Hong Kong, which lost approximately $25 million (around ₹207 crore). The fraudsters used advanced deepfake technology to impersonate the company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) during a video conference. The employee, believing they were receiving legitimate instructions from the CFO, authorized 15 large transactions to various bank accounts. The scam went undetected until the employee became suspicious and reported it to the company’s headquarters. This incident underscores the growing sophistication of deepfake technology and its potential to cause substantial financial harm. 

Insurance Solution: Social Engineering Fraud Coverage

Traditional crime insurance policies are now being expanded to cover losses from social engineering attacks, including those involving deepfake technology. This coverage is crucial for businesses, as it helps recover financial losses resulting from fraudulent transactions authorized through deceitful means. In addition to financial reimbursement, these policies often provide access to expert consultants who can assist in improving internal controls and employee training to prevent future incidents.


3. IoT Vulnerabilities: The Weakest Link in Security

IoT Vulnerabilities: The Weakest Link in Security

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, so do the risks associated with it. In 2024, the number of IoT devices in India is expected to surpass 2 billion, according to a report by NASSCOM. However, the rapid proliferation of these devices has outpaced the implementation of adequate security measures, making them prime targets for cybercriminals.

One alarming incident occurred in 2024 that highlighted the vulnerabilities of IoT devices occurred in a European country where hackers exploited weaknesses in the smart grid infrastructure. The attack targeted the interconnected IoT systems that managed electricity distribution, causing widespread power outages in multiple cities. The hackers infiltrated the system through unsecured IoT devices that were responsible for controlling the energy grid.

This incident disrupted power supply and essential services like transportation, healthcare, and emergency response, highlighting the risks of IoT in critical infrastructure and the urgent need for stronger security measures.

Insurance Solution: IoT Liability Insurance

Recognizing the growing risks, insurers have developed IoT-specific liability policies that cover the unique challenges associated with these devices. These policies typically include coverage for security breaches, data loss, and the resulting business interruption. For companies deploying large-scale IoT networks, this insurance is essential to protect against the potential fallout from a successful attack.


4. Supply Chain Attacks: The Domino Effect

Supply chain attacks have become a preferred method for cybercriminals looking to exploit the interconnected nature of modern business. In 2024, these attacks have become more frequent and sophisticated, often targeting smaller suppliers to gain access to larger organizations. According to a study by PwC, over 60% of Indian companies experienced a supply chain-related cyber incident in the past year.

Supply Chain Attacks: The Domino Effect

In March 2022, a cyberattack on Toyota’s supplier, Kojima Industries, forced the shutdown of all domestic factories in Japan, affecting 14 plants and 28 production lines, and resulting in the loss of about 13,000 vehicles in a single day. Attackers targeted Kojima Industries’ IT systems, causing a disruption that spread to Toyota and led to a temporary shutdown. This incident exposed the vulnerability of manufacturing supply chains, where a single failure can disrupt the entire production process.

Insurance Solution: Supply Chain Cyber Insurance

Supply chain cyber insurance is designed to address the risks associated with third-party vendors and partners. These policies cover losses resulting from business interruptions due to cyber incidents affecting the supply chain. Additionally, they often include coverage for breach-related costs, such as notification expenses, legal fees, and regulatory fines. For businesses relying heavily on third-party suppliers, this insurance is critical in mitigating the cascading effects of a supply chain cyber attack.


5. AI-Powered Attacks: The Next Frontier of Cybercrime

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, but it is also being weaponized by cybercriminals. In 2024, AI-powered attacks are rising, using machine learning for highly targeted and adaptive cyberattacks. These evolving threats are hard to detect and defend against.

In 2024, a significant AI-driven cyberattack in India targeted the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi. This followed a high-profile 2022 breach and used advanced AI to increase its impact. Attackers penetrated hospital systems, encrypting large amounts of sensitive data and demanding ransom. While financial losses aren’t disclosed, the attack had severe implications for operations and potential ransom demands.

The incident is a clear example of how AI is being leveraged by cybercriminals to execute more sophisticated and impactful attacks, particularly against critical infrastructure like healthcare institutions. This attack highlighted the growing need for stronger cybersecurity measures that can keep pace with the rapidly evolving threat landscape​ 

Insurance Solution: AI-Cyber Defense Insurance

To counter this emerging threat, insurers now offer AI-cyber defense policies covering losses from AI-driven attacks. These policies include AI-powered threat detection and response services, keeping businesses ahead of evolving threats. Additionally, they cover the costs associated with investigating and mitigating the damage caused by such attacks.


Strengthening Your Cybersecurity with Mitigata’s Solutions

Strengthening Your Cybersecurity from cyber threats with Mitigata's Solutions

While insurance provides a safety net, proactive measures are equally important to mitigate the risks posed by these emerging threats. Here are some key solutions offered by Mitigata to help your organization stay secure:

1. Bug Bounty Program: Enlisting Ethical Hackers to Identify Vulnerabilities

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, having a team of ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities in your system can be invaluable. Mitigata’s Bug Bounty Program connects organizations with a community of skilled ethical hackers who continuously monitor and report security flaws. This proactive approach allows businesses to address potential weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

2. Hacker Chatter: Monitoring the Dark Web for Threats

The dark web is a breeding ground for cybercriminal activities, and your data might already be exposed there. Mitigata’s Hacker Chatter solution offers continuous monitoring of the dark web, providing alerts if your company’s data is found being sold or discussed in dark web forums. This allows you to take immediate action, whether it’s securing the data or removing it from circulation.

3. ExplainMyPolicy: Simplifying Your Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies are often filled with complex jargon, making it difficult for businesses to understand what they are actually covered for. Mitigata’s ExplainMyPolicy tool simplifies your insurance coverage by breaking down your policy into clear, easy-to-understand language. It also compares policies to ensure you get the best coverage, helping you make informed decisions.

4. Phishing Simulation: Preparing Your Team Against the Latest Threats

Phishing remains one of the most common attack vectors, and cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new tactics. Mitigata’s Phishing Simulation program helps organizations stay ahead by training employees to recognize and respond to phishing attempts. The program features real-world scenarios, like the recent Microsoft outage scam, to prepare your team for the latest threats.


The Need for Comprehensive Cyber Insurance

The Need for Comprehensive Cyber Insurance for cyber threats

As cyber threats continue to evolve in 2024, it is imperative for businesses in India to stay informed and protected. The traditional approach to cybersecurity is no longer sufficient to combat the sophisticated tactics employed by cybercriminals today. Comprehensive cyber insurance is crucial. It offers financial protection and access to expert resources, helping organizations respond effectively to cyber incidents.

Mitigata, with its advanced solutions and deep expertise in cyber risk management, leads the way in helping businesses navigate this complex landscape. From ransomware and deepfake scams to IoT vulnerabilities, supply chain attacks, and AI-powered cybercrime, Mitigata’s tailored insurance products provide the protection you need.

By partnering with Mitigata, you can ensure that your business is not only prepared to face these emerging cyber threats but also equipped to recover quickly and minimize the impact on your operations and reputation. Don’t wait until it’s too late—secure your future with Mitigata’s comprehensive cyber insurance solutions today.

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