How Cyber Insurance Helps Businesses In Cyber Attacks?

How Cyber Insurance Helps Businesses In Cyber Attacks?

“In 2021 alone, cyber attacks caused an average financial loss of $4.24 million per breach, marking the highest average cost in the last 17 years.” – IBM Security.

Data on cyber attacks

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face an increasing threat from cyber attacks, which can result in devastating financial and reputational damage. Cyber insurance has become a critical component in the risk management strategy of any business that values its data and digital infrastructure.


The Rising Tide of Cyber Threats

As the digital footprint of businesses expands, so too does the landscape of potential cyber threats. From ransomware that can lock critical data to phishing scams that target employee login credentials, the methods used by cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated and more damaging. For instance, the 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack affected more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries, with total damages ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of dollars.


Real-life incidents like these underline the importance of cyber insurance in today’s business world. The attack on Colonial Pipeline in May 2021, for example, resulted in the company paying a ransom of $4.4 million, a cost that was partly mitigated through their cyber insurance policy.

Cyber Threats

Understanding Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is designed to help businesses mitigate the risk of cyber attacks and breaches by covering recovery costs and providing expert assistance. Here’s what typical cyber insurance covers:

  1. Legal fees and expenses: In the aftermath of a breach, legal expertise is crucial to navigate the regulatory penalties and civil lawsuits that may arise.
  2. Recovery and restoration: Costs associated with data recovery, system repairs, and restoring victim identities are covered under cyber insurance.
  3. Loss of business: If a cyber attack disrupts business operations, this insurance can cover lost income and associated costs.
  4. Notification expenses: Notifying customers about a data breach is not only a regulatory requirement but also a significant expense, covered by cyber insurance.
  5. Extortion demands: If a business is faced with ransomware or any other extortion-based attack, cyber insurance can cover the ransom payments.


Benefits of Cyber Insurance

Financial Security

First and foremost, cyber insurance provides financial indemnity in the event of cyber attacks, ensuring that a business can recover without the potential crippling costs. For example, after the NotPetya attack in 2017, Merck’s cyber insurance covered part of the $1.3 billion in total damages incurred due to the attack.


Access to Experts

Cyber insurance policies often provide access to a network of cybersecurity experts who assist in incident response and mitigation. This can be invaluable in minimizing damage and expediting recovery.


Reputation Management

Managing public perception after a breach is critical. Many cyber insurance policies offer services to help manage and repair a company’s reputation following a cyber incident.


Risk Management Support

Insurers often provide risk assessment services to help businesses identify and address vulnerabilities. This proactive support can prevent future attacks and reduce potential premiums.


Real-Life Applications of Cyber Insurance

  1. A mid-sized e-commerce company experienced a data breach that exposed customer credit card details. Their cyber insurance covered legal costs and fines, funded customer notifications, and provided credit monitoring, greatly reducing operational and reputational impacts.
  2. Another example is a healthcare provider that is hit by ransomware, encrypting patient records and demanding a high ransom. Their cyber insurance covers the ransom payment, allowing them to regain access to crucial patient data and continue providing care without major delays.


Conclusion: Why Choose Mitigata?


As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, so must our defenses. Mitigata’s cyber insurance solutions offer not just financial protection but a comprehensive safety net tailored to your business’s specific needs.

Industry-leading expertise and support design our policies to help you navigate the complexities of cyber threats with confidence.


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Choosing Mitigata means gaining a committed partner for your business’s digital security and resilience.


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